Recruitment metrics

As part of our SWBio DTP equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) statement we monitor and review EDI metrics for the recruitment process and student cohorts.

Please find below our current EDI metrics related to our recruitment process from which we have developed an ongoing action plan.

Application Interview Offer
Female 55% 60% 62%
Male 45% 40% 38%
Known disability 18% 14% 12%
No known disability 82% 86% 88%
Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME)* 16% 12% 10%
White 84% 88% 90%
< 24 years 60% 72% 76%
24-29 years 28% 22% 19%
> 30 years 12% 6% 5%

Notes about the data:

  • Average of 5 recruitment cycles (academic years; 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23) at point of application for disclosed information.   
  • Other’ for gender and ethnicity have not been included due to anonymity purposes and subsequently percentages have been adjusted for data provided
  • Data provided for home applicants
  • Percentages rounded to the nearest 0.5.
  • *The terminology Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) has only been used for anonymity purposes.