- Attributing the source of antimicrobial resistant diarrheal pathogens in African children
Lead supervisors: Dr Tiffany Taylor and Prof Andrew Dowsey
Student: Shani Ali - Tackling antibiotic resistance through blocking of signalling pathways
Lead supervisors: Dr Susanne Gebhard and Prof Jody Mason
Student: Rachel Johnson
- How do untranslated regions of cannabinoid receptor type 1 mRNA determinereceptor subcellular localisation and function
Lead supervisors: Prof Jeremy Henley and Dr Joe Costello
Student: Alexandre Pinto - Building molecular transport machines regulated by autoinhibition and ligand-induced activation
Lead supervisors: Dr Mark Dodding and Prof Dek Woolfson
Student: Elizabeth Moruzzi - Investigating the molecular and synaptic mechanisms which underlie the sustained antidepressant effects of NMDA receptor antagonists
Lead supervisors: Prof Emma Robinson and Prof Jack Mellor
Student: Joseph Flanagan - Run, eat, sleep, repeat: Hypothalamic integration of homeostatic and circadian
Lead supervisors: Prof Hugh Piggins and Prof Kate Ellacott
Student: Tanya Kaur
- Autophagy control of human neuroinflammatory signalling pathways
Main supervisor: Prof Jon Lane and Dr Lucy Crompton
Student: David Alliband